Das Schaudepot


Little Wonders of the Prairie by Bureau Baubotanik

Bureau Baubotanik, Plant, installation view
Photo: Bureau Baubotanik

The broad plantain (Plantago major) looks rather inconspicuous at first glance. It grows on streets, squares and paths and finds support for its roots even in the smallest pavement joints or cracks in the asphalt. The joints absorb rainwater and wash-ins of nutrients such as nitrogen - from exhaust fumes - fertilize the growth of its leaves. 

Many are familiar with its concise appearance. The broadleaf plantain is representative of all other protagonists of so-called stepping plant communities that shape our everyday urban life. Many of these plants thrive beyond our attention - unnoticed.

“Kleine Wunder der Prärie (“Little Wonders of the Prairie”) is a short stroll through the botanical landscape to the collection of small and medium sized discoveries. The miracle unfolds the moment that - with a little assistance - attention is paid to tread plants.

Awaiting you at the Schaudepot: a performance kit consisting of a bag, spray chalk, stencils, gloves and instructions on how to help inconspicuous tread plants on curbs and house walls achieve a very special appearance.

For 1 to 3 persons
Length: varies 
Available immediately.

Special previous knowledge is not necessary (children under 10 years accompanied by an adult). 


By Bureau Baubotanik (Hannes Schwertfeger and Oliver Storz)

The adaptation of “Little Wonders of the Prairie” for Das Schaudepot was supported by the three-year conceptual funding from the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, by the Initiative Program “Kunst trotz Abstand” (‘Art Despite Distance’) of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg, and by the Cultural Office of the City of Stuttgart.


Design is organic. Every project conceived and implemented in terms of “Baubotanik”

 (‘building botanics’ is the result of an ongoing process that combines ecological, social, cultural, technical and political requirements. Building botanics raises society’s awareness of the value, functionality, and cultural engineering of green infrastructure in cities and metropolitan areas. Structures that are conceived and built according to the building botanics philosophy not only increase the quality of life and improve ecosystems, but are also strongly embedded in their social context and enter into dependencies with it. The work of the Bureau Baubotanik focuses on the conception of green infrastructures as performative spaces of imagination.


Instruction Manual: Little Wonders of the Prairie by Bureau Baubotanik

Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt